Welcome to North Street School
When considering an out-of-district placement for a student with disabilities, several factors should be considered. Does the program provide:
- The emotional support needed for the student to be successful?
- A behavioral intervention program to help students develop behavioral controls?
- Remediation in reading and mathematics?
- A method for the student to recover credit for missing subjects?
- Opportunities for students to explore employment options?
- Case management, and does the program take ownership of the student while still maintaining strong communication with the local district?
- The North Street School provides an educational program which meets the New Jersey high school requirements for graduation. All core subjects are taught by subject-certified teachers and all students participate in NJSLA testing.
We also provide:
- Reading and Math remediation through an online source called Scholastic Read 180 and Carnegie Learning
- Character education program called Power Source which is our daily small group sessions guided by our certified school counselor which model the six pillars of character
- Credit Recovery
- Our Career Guidance component assists students in obtaining and maintaining employment
In collaboration with Division of Family Guidance our behavior intervention program helps BCSS students to identify their behavioral challenges. Our goal is to assist students in developing more appropriate behavior modification skills, thereby allowing them to transition to a less restrictive environment in another Bergen County Special Services program or to return to their home district high school.
Here at North Street School, we believe it works well because of the relationships that we build with our students and their families. We have had great success with this model and we measure that by the accomplishments of our students. Our seniors graduate and thrive, while our underclassmen earn their way back to their school districts.
Headlines & Features
North Street Phoenix
The Phoenix represents a mythical bird that consumes itself in fire in order to obtain a new life by rising from the ashes.