BCSS Admissions

  • Kids playing  Bergen County Special Services considers potential students year round and we are happy to discuss placement options with school district or others interested in our programs.

    The admissions process is as follows:

    • Local school district personnel sends the relevant records (IEP, evaluation reports, etc) to the prospective BCSS school in which they are requesting placement.
    • Once in receipt of the referral, the BCSS program case manager will contact the local district CST member who sent the referral.
    • Together they will schedule an intake meeting which will include the local district, the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).
    • The intake will include a tour of the school and then a discussion about the specifics of the program and the student’s individual educational needs.

    If you are not sure which school/program you should be sending your referral to, please call either of the Directors of Instruction at:
    (201) 343-6000 - Mitch Badiner, extension 4070 or Tara Bohan, extension 4079