Welcome to Visions Paramus Middle School

  • Viswestbrook ions Middle School Paramus, located in the Westbrook Middle School in Paramus, educates students with physical and/or multiple disabilities in a barrier-free school.  Serving Students in grades 5th - 8th.  Children are taught in a supportive yet challenging environment designed to maximize inclusion opportunities in a traditional Middle school setting. Therapeutic and Assistive Technology supports are provided to optimize student participation and success.

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A Message from the Principal

  • It is my pleasure to welcome you to the VISIONS Integrated Middle School Program located in the barrier-free Westbrook Middle School in Paramus. Our innovative program for students with multiple disabilities affords students in grades first through eighth the opportunity to learn in an inclusive environment. Alongside their grade-level peers, students receive the intensive instructional adaptations, assistive technology, augmentative communication, and environmental supports they need to ensure academic success in a typical school setting. Our ultimate goal is for each student to work to his/her potential, while still feeling part of a school community.

    Our curriculum is aligned to the grade-level New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Instruction is provided by a highly-trained and experienced staff, who works collaboratively with the general education faculty to ensure an optimum educational program for each and every student. In addition to academic subjects, students receive speech, occupational, and physical therapies, as dictated by the IEP. On-going assistive technology evaluations by our staff ensure that students are utilizing the latest technology in order to fully participate in group and individual instruction.

Headlines & Features

  • Snapshot of the Day

    Every morning the students come in and work on unpacking and sorting all of their personal belongings. Then we start our day by completing our daily calendar journals, review our schedule for the day, and review our personal information. Each week the students learn a new community sign and four key sight words. All students participate in creative arts on a daily basis with their mainstream peers. We also complete daily Math, Reading, Language Arts, and Science/SS lessons in a small group setting.

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  • Assistive Technology

    Another key component in our classroom is our daily use of technology to help the students complete many activities independently through the use of a laptop or an iPad. We use a variety of programs to help enhance their writing skills called Clicker 6 and Clicker sentences which can be created with each students personal needs. We also use an app called Bitsboard Pro which helps my students master vocabulary words/spelling words through the use of picture cues.

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  • Mainstream Opportunities

    Finally, the students participate in a variety of life skill activities on a weekly basis from following simple recipes, sequencing daily chores, identifying forms of transportation in the community, and learning important phone skills.

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Take a Look at Us

  • Take a look - My favorite thing about middle School is getting my own locker. –Quinci
    - My favorite thing about middle school is going to P.E. with my mainstream peers. –Jackie
    - My favorite thing about middle school is having my own Bookshare account to read our book of the year “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” –Jerel
    - My favorite thing about middle school is going to P.E. with my mainstream peers. –Nicole
    - My favorite thing about middle school is being able to use my iPad to aks my peers questions throughout the school day. –Mikayla
    - My favorite thing about middle school is typing my spelling words on my laptop. –Bella


Student of the Month

  • Oct Student The student of the month for September is Mikayla. Mikayla has adjusted nicely to Westbrook and being in middle school. She always puts forth her best effort in all she does. A highlight for Mikayla this month has been her use of  ProLoquo to communicate with her classmates during our daily calendar review. She has been making many positive strides in all areas. Keep up the good work. We are so proud of you!


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