Welcome to Evergreen

  • Graduate The Evergreen Program educates students who are academically motivated and can benefit from inclusion options.

    The Evergreen Program fosters an individualized academic and nurturing school environment catering to the student who may need additional support services, either academically or socially.

    Evergreen’s collaboration with Leonia High School enables ourstudents to participate in a widerange of academic classes, includingseveral world languages, science labs,and a multitude of highly excitingelectives, when available. We join in our host school’s mission, “to assure that every student has the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to play a productive role in society.”

    Core Academic Curriculum

    • English
    • Social Studies
    • Science with labs*
    • PE*/Health*
    • Financial Literacy
    • Mathematics
    • World Languages*:  Spanish, French, Latin & Chinese

    All Evergreen classes are aligned with both the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and the Leonia Public Schools curriculum in text, activities, and scope and sequence. Students participate in PARCC testing, NJBCT, and college entrance exams in accordance with state guidelines.

A Message from the Principal

  • Welcome back to a wonderful and exiting 2017 -2018 school year! It is our hope that you have all enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable summer. As summer draws to a close we commence into yet another year filled with academic wonder, stimulating lecture and state of the art technology. Our faculties are dedicated and committed in providing our students with supportive and challenging learning environments whereby each student has an opportunity to meet their academic, social and emotional needs.

    BCSSSD offers many educational options. Whether self contained schools or working within a host sight in collaboration with other schools, we assure you the highest quality education. We continue to offer an array of special services and itinerant services that would best serve the needs of your child. Progressive and innovative staff continually strives to meet the individualized needs of our students by developing alternative strategies that are geared to personal success and to provide a student with the desire to learn and achieve. Faculty will be working on a number of initiatives including Robotics, integration of technology and emphasize on reading and writing in all content areas with our students.

    We are excited to start another year and look forward in keeping in close communication with all of you. Remember the motto, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success.” Let us all have a wonderful, successful, and safe 2017-2018 school year!

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