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Yankee Stadium Tour

Yankee Stadium

      It was an exciting behind the scene experience.  We first saw a World Series ring and the tour guide was kind enough to let some students try it on for the feeling of glory.  The student were given the opportunity to be the “press" and sit in the press boxes.  Monument Park was MONUMENTAL.  The students enjoyed viewing the monuments and reading about their favorite players.  

      The students proceeded on to Judge’s chambers where we experienced what the lucky 18 randomly chosen fans get to experience when they sit there each game.  The baseball museum was impressive.  We viewed signed baseballs, jerseys and other famous Yankee memorabilia.  We ended this exciting day with a visit to the gift shop before boarding the bus.  The students enjoyed their visit to Yankee Stadium. It was definitely a memorable experience for our students and one of the highlights to our summer program.