Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy
Our Therapists Are Skilled Clinicians With Extensive Experience Working With Children And Adolescents With Developmental, Sensory Processing, And Neuromuscular Disorders And Learning Disabilities.

Therapy Services Include:
- Comprehensive Evaluations
- Direct Treatment Services
- Consultative Services
- Integrated Therapies
- Inclusion Support
Professional Development Workshops (Topics can be custom designed to meet your school district's individual needs)
- Handwriting and Pre-Handwriting Approaches
- Sensory Integration
- Visual/Perceptual Challenges
- Environmental and Classroom Seating and Adaptations
- Yoga in the Classroom
- Dyslexia and Language
- Dyslexia and OT Resources
- Augmentative Communication Devices
- Integrating PT, OT and S/LT in the Classroom
- The Role of PT, OT and S/LT in Successful Inclusion
- Ages and Stages of Motor Development
- Expressive and Receptive Speech / Language Development
- Sensory Diets for the Classroom
- Adaptive Physical Education
- Response to Intervention
- Covid 19 - Thinking Back, Looking Ahead
- Sensory Systems and Self-Regulation - How this Affects Student (and Staff) Wellness
Contact Us
For information about these services, please contact:
Grisel Espinosa, Supervisor
201-343-6000 x6500Rob Cohen, OT
201-343-6000 x 6555Teri Kelly, PT
201-343-6000 x 5845