Welcome to Manchester Program
The Manchester Regional High School and Bergen County Special Services Collaborative offers specialized services to MRHS students with Multiple Disabilities in their home district. Operated by the Bergen County Special Services School District, the program offers students self-contained classes as well as opportunities for mainstreaming into classes with their non-disabled peers and actual work experiences.
BCSS offers support and services to students to enable them to succeed in a "mainstream" high school setting. These supports and services include specially trained teachers, paraprofessionals, behavior specialists, and assistive technology specialists. Instruction specializes in developing the whole child, addressing his or her needs in the areas of cognition, social and behavioral growth, communication, physical fitness, and self-care. Learning is driven through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) which focuses on the mastery of specific academic functional skills required for daily living and vocational experiences. Functional/traditional academics are aligned to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Students participate in standardized testing or alternative testing as needed.All students are afforded training opportunities in the areas of health, personal and workplace safety, and appropriate social interactions. Students also visit local community places such as the post office, laundromat, supermarket, restaurants, and other businesses to gain insight into their daily functions. A full day of academic learning takes place in a safe and secure environment, both in the school building and in the community. Our goal is to prepare our students to be successful in life through exposure to experiences that include but are not limited to academic studies, vocational training, and community work experiences.PROGRAM COMPONENTS:
BCSS Staff
- 2 Teachers and 2 Teacher Assistants
- 1 Job Coach
- Transition Staff
- School Social Worker
- Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (LDTC)
- Behavior Specialist
- Assistive Technology Specialist
- Inclusion and Curriculum Support Staff
- Use of MRHS scope and sequence
- Utilization of MRHS instructional materials
- Differentiated instruction
- Instruction tailored to specialized learning styles
- Curriculum adaptations and modifications
- Support to students in mainstream classes
- Provision of Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant to support student instruction
- Literacy Initiatives
- Functional Academics to give students the opportunity to apply what they learn to real-life environments
Assistive Technology
- Extensive use of computer-based instruction infused into all academic classes
Career Planning
- Career Interest and Aptitude testing (Career Scope)
- Career Exploration
- Work-based learning activities with job coach supports
- Linkage to DVRS and other support agencies, as well as postsecondary institutions
- Access to One-Stop Services
- Use of Career Centered Life Education Curriculum
Therapeutic Supports
- Therapeutic services consisting of counseling, social skills groups, postsecondary counseling, linkages to mental health supports as needed
- Project Adventure
- Bullying Prevention Programs
Behavioral Supports
- Personal Management System
- Positive Behavior Support
- Behavioral Intervention Plans
- Self-monitoring
- Motivational Incentives
- Counseling
Headlines & Features
Special needs students stay in district - learn academic, career, and life skills
About 14 special education students served a Thanksgiving meal to their fellow classmates and a select group of teachers and staffers at Manchester Regional High School in Haledon, NJ