Welcome to HIP Midland Park

  • studetns at the desk The Elementary Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is part of the Communication Skills Continuum for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, the largest and most comprehensive in New Jersey. Children from preschool to grade six are educated through a listening and spoken language approach. Our Program is housed in the host district of Midland Park and follows the curriculum and calendar of the Midland Park Public School System. This collaborative partnership offers students inclusion opportunities and interaction with same age peers in a general education setting. Our focus is educating and supporting the whole child by providing a team of professionals who specialize in hearing loss including teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing, speech language specialists, educational audiologists, physical therapists and occupational therapists. All of our staff use specialized techniques to develop listening and spoken language outcomes, advocacy skill development and social emotional support.

A Message from the Principal

  • photo of student Bergen County Special Services (BCSS) has bestowed upon me the honor of appointing me Principal of the Hearing Continuum. Being a teacher within the continuum for the last 18 years has provided me with an understating of the unique needs of our students, a knowledge of our programs and a respect for expertise within our staff. My vision is to continue to provide the most current and comprehensive programs for students with hearing loss alongside staff and families.

    Our partnerships with Hackensack and Midland Park Public School Districts affords our students opportunities in the general education settings. Collaboration will be the key to success. I look forward to continuing to build relationships with the administrative teams and dedicated staff in both districts as well as our specialized and talented staff who provide instruction and support to our students.

    Joining me in this vision and journey is Lisa Stewart, Supervisor of the Hearing Continuum. Together, with our combined experiences in educating students with hearing loss, our goal is to continue to support our program, students and staff to make Bergen County Special Services Hearing Continuum the best it can be.photo of student

    Hearing Continuum:

    • HIP- Union Street School, Hackensack
    • SHIP- Hackensack High School
    • HIP- Godwin & Highland Schools, Midland Park
    • SHIP- Midland Park High School
    • Sound Solutions, Itinerant Services
    • STARS Early Intervention Program

    We are thankful for the professional and experienced staff at all the sites for their commitment to our program and their students. 

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