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Environmental grant to the Bleshman school

photo of students  On October 20, 2017, representatives from Bergen County Special Services were on hand to celebrate the award of an environmental grant to the Bleshman school. The school was among 87 Bergen County public and private schools that participated in the Bergen County Utility Authority’s 2017 Environmental Awareness Grant Program.


Posing with student representatives Millie and Faith are (left to right); Gail Coe, Principal, Bleshman Regional Day School; Dr. Howard Lerner, BCSS Superintendent; Tara Bohan, BCSS Director of Instruction; Mary Martin, Workplace Readiness Facilitator, Bleshman Regional Day School; Ronald Phillips, BCUA Chairman; Germaine Ortiz, Bergen County Freeholder; and Tracy Silna Zur, Bergen County Freeholder Chairwoman.