• Advanced Problems in Music Theory & Technology- a continuation of AP Music Theory in the Digital Age, covering even more advanced analysis and composition.

    AP Music Theory in the Digital Age- the anatomy of music through analysis. Students in this course may take the AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory test for college credit.

    Chamber Choir (club)- a selective, roughly 40-voice ensemble of mixed voices. Chamber Choir is featured in the Holiday and Spring Concerts, and participates in music festivals and community outreach. It meets during club time and is only open by audition. 

    Concert Band- a large ensemble of wind and percussion instruments. The Concert Band is featured in the Autumn and Spring Concerts, performs for school functions, music festivals and the annual PPO Picnic.

    Concert Choir- a large ensemble of mixed voices. The Concert Choir is featured in the Holiday and Spring Choir Concerts and performs at school functions.

    Conducting- ear training and conducting techniques. This core course is only available to AVPA-Music students in 11th grade.

    Digital Keyboarding- Students, in small groupings, gain independent skills on the keyboard/piano through class lessons or independent study.

    Digital Recording Lab- Students learn about live recording equipment and techniques. They run a recording session and produce quality recordings to share.

    Electronic Music Synthesis- A course in which students utilize digital technology to create musical works. Students work with MIDI technology and composition software (Finale).

    Ensembles (Wind, String, Brass, Percussion, Bergen Arts)- small, selective groupings of instruments.  Ensembles are featured in the Autumn and Spring Concerts, Ensemble Prestige (tri. 2), perform for school functions, and participates in music festivals.

    Guitar Class/Arts Fundamentals (1, 2 and 3)- Each course is one trimester in length and prepares students to become independent musicians on the instrument. Students learn notation/tablature, chords, style, theory, and ensemble skills. Students must have their own guitar.

    Guitar & Mandolin Orchestra- a large ensemble of guitars, mandolins, mandolas, mandocellos and bass guitars. G&MO is featured in the Autumn and Spring Concerts, and off-campus music festivals

    History of Rock Music- covers key musicians and figures that shaped rock-n-roll music from its infancy into the 1970s with original song recordings, video clips, documentaries, and class discussions of concurrent events in American history.

    Jazz Band- a medium ensemble of instruments commonly found in a jazz combos or big bands. Jazz Band is featured in the Autumn and Spring Concerts, PPO Picnic, and other music events. 

    Music & Society- the study of music from the Medieval style period through the present. Similar to a music history class, students are introduced to the development of music through perspectives of style, history, and other areas of humanities.

    Musicianship- musical instrument methods, score reading and a special project in music technology. This core course is only available to AVPA-Music students in the 9th grade.

    Musician's Workshop/Arts Fundamentals- a specialty course in which students construct authentic musical instruments or electro-music devices. Hands-on skills includes woodworking and/or electronics. 

    Orchestra- a large ensemble of string, wind, and percussion instruments. The Orchestra is featured in the Autumn and Spring Concerts, and off-campus music events.

    Pit Orchestra- This is the orchestra that accompanies the annual BCA musical. Pit Orchestra performs original Broadway show music for the musical. The musical is presented at the end of trimester 2.

    Projects- these maker-style projects vary each trimester and may include: Amplify Your Instrument, Wind Chimes, The Theremin Project, Guitar Effects, Soundwave Audio Lab.

    Senior Music Seminar- a capstone course where each student builds an electric guitar and mini amplifier. They also produce, direct and perform in the AVPA-Music Senior Recital (graduation requirement). This core course is only available to AVPA-Music students in 12th grade.

    Ukulele Cafe- a beginning course where students learn chords, strumming, instrument care, and listen to ukulele artists. Students must have their own ukulele.