• Tri-M Music Honor Society - This page has information about Bergen County Academies' chapter of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, including a membership application link. Please note application deadlines and induction ceremony date listed on the application and BCA calendars.

    Bergen County Band and Chorus -  This web site has information regarding audition requirements, audition results, calendar of rehearsals, directions, and more. Please note that auditioning for this honors ensemble is a privilege. Applicants must meet strict participation requirements, including a firm application deadline set by BCA. Please refer to BCA calendars for current application deadline and other relevant dates.

    Region I Band, Orchestra, Chorus  - This web site has information regarding audition requirements, audition results, calendar of rehearsals, directions, download applications, and more. Please note that auditioning for this honors ensemble is a privilege. Applicants must meet participation requirements, including an application deadline set by BCA. Please note that BCA does not participate in Junior High School Regions.

    All-State Band, Orchestra, Chorus  -This web site has information regarding audition requirements, audition results, calendar of rehearsals, directions, download applications, and more. Please note that auditioning for this honors ensemble is a privilege open to students who have already been accepted into regional band, orchestra or chorus. Applicants must meet participation requirements, including an application deadline set by BCA.

    All-Eastern Band, Orchestra, Chorus- application is made via students who have been accepted to All-State. Those students will be notified through the All-State ensemble or via email.

    All-National Honors Band, Orchestra and Chorus. This web site has information regarding application requirements, important dates, and more. Please note that auditioning for this honors ensemble is a privilege open to students who have already been accepted into the corresponding All-State ensemble.