• Below are a just a few of the competitions our students have successfully participated in:

    Siggraph Spacetime Logo
    ACM SIGGRAPH’s SpaceTime

    The SpaceTime competition provides an excellent opportunity for students currently attending school in either traditional academic setting or home school at either the College/University levels or High School/Secondary levels and working in computer based media to exhibit their creative work nationally and internationally. Entries will be judged on the basis of solution of the theme, artistic merit, design, originality, technical excellence, and content. We are interested in ways to push the limits of the technology available or involve combinations of technologies.
    Link: https://education.siggraph.org/conferences/annual-conference/siggraph-2017/spacetime-cfp

    GCEA logo
    Gutenberg Award

    The Gutenberg Award recognizes exceptional achievement in the field of Graphic Arts. Awards are available for printed items, Web sites, and photographs. There are three different Gutenberg competitions: Print, Web Site, and Photography.
    Link: http://gceaonline.org/student-resources/student-contests/gutenberg-award/

    Scholastic Art and Writing Award logo
    Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

    The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. The Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify students with exceptional artistic and literary talent and present their remarkable work to the world through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Through the Awards, students receive opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships.
    Link: http://www.artandwriting.org/

    C-Span Student Cam logo
    C-SPAN's StudentCam

    StudentCam is C-SPAN's annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect our communities and our nation. Each year students in grades 6-12 are asked to create a short (5-7 minute) video documentary on a topic selected for that year.
    Link: http://www.studentcam.org/