• Course selection is a collaborative process between students, teachers, counselors, and parents. In order to help students make appropriate course selections, counselors will meet with students individually. At that time, the counselor and student will discuss the student’s long-term plans and interests, graduation requirements, teacher recommendations, and student grades.

    2024 - 2025 Academic Course Catalog 

    2024 - 2025 Academic Scope & Sequence 

    Students who wish to take an advanced course, but are not recommended by their current teacher, must complete and return the Non-Recommended Course Waiver to their counselor before the course request will be added to the scheduling portal. If a student does not return the Non-Recommended Course Waiver, the student will be placed in the course recommended by the teacher.

    Requests for schedule changes are carefully reviewed in terms of the overall quality of the student’s program of studies. Sometimes, what appears to be a simple request from a student and his or her parent(s) is a logistical challenge. Changes in courses will be made for the following reasons: core courses missing, appropriate subject level changes and prerequisites not met. In order to meet the educational needs of all students, we will not accommodate requests for specific teachers nor can we accommodate requests that a student not receive a specific teacher. If you would like to request a change in a student’s schedule, your child must download and complete a Change Of Schedule Request Form. All requests must be completed by Thursday, September 12, 2024. Students wishing to drop a course after this deadline will receive a “W” on their transcript and be placed in a study hall.