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Online Reference Center for Students and Staff
The Online Reference Center has been customized for the students and staff of Bergen County Academies. The Online Reference Center enables you to retrieve information from paid database resources on the web. Search in these resources for magazine, newspaper and journal articles, as well as articles in encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. Look here before going to general websites. When you are in school facilities, you may access these resources from any computer. Unless otherwise noted, all databases are available from home. Click Here to pick up a list of user names and passwords from the library for remote use.
Enciclopedia Universal en Espaňol
This resource is considered to be the most detailed Spanish-language encyclopedia available online.
Britannica Online
This complete encyclopedia includes related Internet sites and more.
Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary
Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary, Unabridged Online
Oxford English Dictionary
This dictionary is the recognized authority on the etymology of English language.
Other Databases
Bergen County Community College Dual Enrollment Classes
Students who have registered for dual enrollment with the county college have use of the college's resources and databases remotely from the library's website using their Bergen login credentials.
Instructions for remote access: https://bergen.edu/library/services/remote-access/
Ground News
Ground News empowers readers to compare how news sources from across the political spectrum are covering the same story. With Ground News, readers can expand their view of the news and easily compare reporting from a wide range of news outlets.Create a free account using your school email address with the approved domain. -
New York Times
Create a free NYTimes.com account using your school email address with the approved domain. If you already have a NYTimes.com account associated with such email address, log in with those credentials.
Archive of Americana
This family of historical collections contains books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, government documents and ephemera printed in America over three centuries.
Facts on File
Facts On File is an award-winning publisher of print, eBooks, and online reference materials for the school and library market. We specialize in core subject areas, such as history, science, literature, geography, health, and more.
World News Digest - 1980 to Present - news summaries
World News Digest - 1940 to 1979 - news summaries
Issues and Controversies - articles highlighting important issues in today's news
Issues Controversies in American History - clear, concise and balanced explanations of the most contentious issues in American history
Today's Science - authoritative information about the latest developments in science